Unity Horsemanship

Equine Relationship Coaching

My Horses

My horses are very dear to me and have been my greatest teachers. Their stories reflect the relationship they have formed with me, but, as you read them, perhaps you will find yourself intrigued by some aspect of their character that will serve as a point of entry for you to foster your own connection with one or all of them.


Danny is an eight year old Rocky Mountain Trail Horse. He came from a good situation and has absolutely no emotional baggage. Where Violet is super-sensitive and tends to avoid emotional distress, Danny quite simply radiates unconditional love. I have never encountered another horse with such an exceptional degree of empathy.  He immediately recognizes when someone is having a bad day and typically responds by coming over and standing quietly with them, maybe gently putting his muzzle on their shoulder. Its almost like he is saying “Its OK.  I am here for you.” If you are looking to get grounded and centred, spend a bit of time with Danny.


Violet is a 16 year old American Paint whose history is uncertain. She has had several owners. She is a sensitive horse and has taught me that connection is based on trust, respect, patience and compassion. From her I learned that mutual trust is the the most important aspect of any meaningful relationship. When Violet is ready to share the present moment with you it typically means you have found a place where you are pretty grounded and centred.


Delta is a seven year old Quarter Horse / Arab cross. Delta was the last addition to the herd. I didn’t find him.  He found me. This happens in the world of horses.  Sometimes the horse picks the person. I am very grateful that Delta chose me. We experienced an immediate connection which allowed us to develop a meaningful relationship in a very short time. I think we might be soul-mates. He is curious and playful and when I look at the world through his eyes I see joy. A little more aloof than Danny, Delta will still connect if you can keep him interested. He loves to show you how smart he is, so is a perfect partner for practicing natural horsemanship and groundwork.


Brendon has dedicated the last five years to getting to know horses, working with them every day to understand the wisdom these masters of mindfulness have to offer. His dream and his passion are to share this wisdom with you.


Unity Horses