In these posts I will share my experiences working with horses. Without a doubt, my greatest teachers have been my horses. When learning to relate to horses the most important thing to do is to get out and interact with them. Know from the beginning that you will make mistakes and that this is OK as long as you learn from them. I truly believe that my biggest mistakes have provided me with my greatest opportunities to learn and grow as a horse handler.
My writings are also inspired by the wisdom of natural horsemen and women whom I have come to respect through their offerings. I have read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos and find that I relate most to the teachings of Jonathon Field, Cherry Hill, Warwick Schiller, Mark Rashid, Buck Brannaman, and Ray Hunt. In my opinion each of these horse training experts have a great philosophy when it comes to working with horses. One that is based on kindness and mutual trust and respect.
I hope you enjoy sharing my thoughts. I welcome your questions and comments.

My Story
I grew up, like many people I suspect, with a very romantic notion of horses. My dreams were filled with images of me galloping across the plains on my trusty stallion. The Lone Ranger was my hero.
My Horses
My horses are very dear to me and have been my greatest teachers. Their stories reflect the relationship they have formed with me, but, as you read them, perhaps you will find yourself intrigued by some aspect of their character that will serve as a point of entry for you to foster your own connection…
It’s About the Horse
One of my favourite horse movies is Hidalgo. There is one unforgettable scene that characterizes the type of relationship I would like to have with my horses. The setting is a a 3000 mile endurance race across the Arabian Peninsula. At one check station the Sheik’s daughter asks Frank Hopkins how he tamed Hidalgo. Princess:…